The current PPO implementation does not seem to account for time limits. While the `EpisodeWrapper` from brax is used, which tracks a truncation flag ([source](https://github.com/google/brax/bl…
Hi, I have an extremely strange bug that is slightly hard to reproduce :)
I am trying to integrate brax with SAC and want to use an ensemble version of the algorithm. When I use the ensemble, the bra…
Probably harmless but just in case:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ppo_test.py", line 45, in testTrain
self.assertGreater(metrics['eval/episode_reward'], 100 * 0.995)
**Version** :
**Date** : 28 June 2018
Hi all,
Is rendering without notebooks supported? I personally don't like using notebooks and am much more used to working with e.g. GLUT windows. It seems that wrapping brax environment into `gym`…
Lots of other frameworks seem to be switching to gymnasium. It'd be nice to also have a gymnasium wrapper in brax.
The reference `Ant` and the 2 `Humanoid`s implementations do not include them, but this issue:
Indicates that they might be implemented which is it?
For domain randomization it is not particularly easy to `vmap` over different `System` values. For example the `gravity` values, or the `elasticity`. Preferably you should be able to do this in `env.r…
If you go to:
and choose `humanoid_run` as the environment, the next cell throws the following error:…
**Version** :
**From** : Blogspot
**Date** : 8 May 2018
"Noticed a bug with the fight vs Brax. Instead of the stats view of his health, arousal etc, it remains on the characters present U…