This is a feedback provided by someone:
> There are various forms of some common Indian names when written in English. transliteration -> reverse transliteration could be used to automatically gene…
Thank you very much for your task, I have been following up your research recently, may I ask where is the code related to Bayesian networks? I didn't see the code for the Bayesian network model
## Related Reference
- Goodfellow I, Bengio Y, Courville A. [Deep learning]().
- Bishop C M, Nasrabadi N M. [Pattern recognition and machine learning]().
- Murphy K P. [Machine learning: a proba…
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Tdhun updated
2 months ago
7/8 Optimization 방법론
- Optimization 방법론의 발전
- Gradient Descent Algorithm
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Hey @iteles @nelsonic
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Hi, I started exploring the package yesterday. Started with the command line DBN example (same network and hyperparameters) as given in the documentation.
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