Thank you for the fantastic package! I've tried with a VLP16 and it worked in real-time nicely.
However, I am exploring the different parameters available. In particular, can I make the r…
### Report
A later release of AnnData disallows pandas.core.arrays. Is this a false positive from their side (since numpy.ndarray _is_ allowed) or should we change dummy_anndata?
## ❓Question
Why is int64 input being converted to fp32 type?
I have specified the input type to be int64 both in TensorFlow and in CoreML Converter. It seems that my specification doesn't work at…
I tried to run the example code in this link [https://github.com/colmap/pycolmap?tab=readme-ov-file](url) , but I got the following error:
output_path: pathlib.Path
image_dir: pathlib.Path
First of all, thank you so much for creating a clean lidar-based SLAM feature that does not rely on IMU dependencies. I am runing lidar slam on a campus driving dataset. There are two things I fo…
Crowd-Driven Mapping, Localization and Planning. (arXiv:2012.10099v3 [cs.RO] UPDATED)
Navigation in dense crowds is a well-known open problem in robotics with many challenges in…
By testing the first line gf figure 4 I obtain a core dumped due to memory alloc.
What is the min memory needed ? (I tried it on ubuntu 14.04 TLS 32 bits, 14 Go Ram memory)
I try to following process by command-line interface.
- Generate dense point clouds by using series of image
- Select points of objects (such as a vehicle) which appears in a image from…
您好,最近在利用fast livo调试HILTTI-2022的数据集,激光里程计已经可以成功运行,但是结合相机这块一直调试有问题,无法正常跟踪特征点,以下是我配置的参数表,麻烦郑博可以点拨一二,感谢!!!
feature_extract_enable : 0
point_filter_num : 1
max_iteration : 10
debug: 1
hello is there anyone has a C++ code as stereo example ? i want to do visalizatio and build a dense map with loop detection and icp etc
the example i found says i need to pick one , so if i am usin…