The [viral-ngs-fasta-fetcher](https://github.com/dnanexus/viral-ngs/blob/dnanexus/viral-ngs-fasta-fetcher/src/viral-ngs-fasta-fetcher.sh) currently requires the user to input his or her email address.…
when testing the tool (https://dnanexus.github.io/dot/), it seems the DOT web tool was just catching one of the two input URLs, NOT both.
Finally, we plan to migrate the WDL `tools` to a new repository. There are several tasks required before we can make the change.
- [ ] Review open PRs on workflows
- [ ] Update documentation (apparen…
Where can I learn more about the status of Janis importing WDL?
SPLIT UP INTO TIX BY PLATFORM** [~accountid:5ad7afeb1db05e2a66fa947b]
## Feature Request
The Launch with buttons for FireCloud, DNAstack, and DNAnexus only appear on the Workflow page.
If feasible…
I am getting the following error message when I try to run this command:
singularity run docker://ghcr.io/dnanexus-rnd/glnexus:v1.4.1 glnexus_cli -d {outdir} -c DeepVariant_unfiltered --list {bam f…
Read up on the following and generate a table of RDM platforms. In the table, we need to capture, name and link, free or paid, cloud or onsite, good for genomics, and link some guide on set-up. We may…
I would like to thank you for such an incredible and well-documented resource, which is way better than the DNAnexus'es own pipelines/instructions. I was wondering if you have figured how to …
I am trying to use GLnexus on DNAnexus platform for gvcfs produced by DeepVariant. For positions that was not covered (or by some reads only), the genotype is 0/0 - which assumes it is homozygous and …
pip3 install PyVCF (version 0.6.8) will fail when setuptools version is >=58. Instead PyVCF will install version 0.4.3, which fails to run with this error:
ImportError: cannot import name 'Reader' fr…