- 声明式
- 逻辑式编程
- 函数式编程
- 链式语法
- 函数响应式编程(Functional Reactive Programming)
- [ReactiveCocoa 相关](https://github.com/ShannonChenCHN/iOSLevelingUp/issues/91)
- RxSwift
- p…
Might be interesting to take into consideration:
> A Behaviour is an EventStream + Some value in memory.
### What should the talk be about?
RxJs is in its nature a functional programming construct (Observable is a monad and a functor)
RxJs pipe operator is compose
### Why is that important?
RxJs is…
# Deploying to GitHub Pages using Circle CI 2.0 - Frederik Ring
I like birds, JavaScript, kimchi pancakes, Golang, Functional Reactive Programming and all that. This is where I publish things when I …
- [ ] UX CanJS
- [ ] Meetup Content Pipeline
- [ ] High Performance Apps with DoneJS
- [ ] Bitballs - Expressive Restful Services
- [ ] Haulhound - Rapid Real Time Prototyping
- [ ] Object Ori…
[The useful game creation guide](http://elm-lang.org/blog/making-pong) from a few years ago seems to have suffered from link rot since.
These links go to a 404 page or are broken in some other way:…
#### Runtime Environment
- Operating system and version: Gentoo Linux
- Terminal emulator and version: alacritty-0.4.3
- Python version: 3.7.8
- Ranger version/commit: 1654128f955b320354eea98a0b…
I'm not a web dev. So, I don't know if web developers are used to this name, and it would be confusing for them if this feature had a different name. However, "signal" doesn't seem like it is an appro…
I'm working with ReactiveUI in a WinForms app with DevExpress but I'm having a hard time because ReactiveUI winforms controls (ReactiveUserControl, RoutedControlHost, RoutedControlHost , etc) inherits…
## Talks
### Cracking a JavaScript Interview - Beginner Series (Part II)
You're already a JavaScript developer but do you really feel comfortable with things like scope, closures, this, call, apply,…