Opening this issue to exchange on what we want to study/plot in the paper for Debvader.
As of now we discussed going back to the previous setting (as in Bastien's paper) and trying to fix the issu…
Post papers here!
New XRISM collaboration paper: The XRISM/Resolve view of the Fe K region of Cyg X-3
We've discussed this a few times, and I've promised to write up the issue for some time. Here it (finally) is.
A common approach to measuring multi-band photometry is to fit a model (e.g. bulge+d…
Let's discuss the metric we want to use to assess the quality of the deblending.
What I have in mind:
- Measure the flux of object in field without deblending
- Re-measure after deblending
We can …
Nivya and Angela check the way to use Galfit/GALAPAGOS on LSST images
NRN checks the documentation for the GalSim catalogs
Year1 KP1 supporting paper [wiki](https://desi.lbl.gov/trac/wiki/keyprojects/y1kp1), [sv workshop doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18SWS8omg2uSRtqEROTyiqe-fMrClmuL9dcOWgbIve-I/edit?usp=sharing)…
This ATLAS object: https://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/sne/atlas4/candidate/1192044031465256100/ which is also in Lasair: https://lasair-ztf.lsst.ac.uk/object/ZTF22aasoali/ has been classified as a bright star…
Using @EiffL 's code we will create a source that uses a PixelCNN to constrain morphologies.
We want to compare the performance of a deblender, for instance scarlet, on parametric light profiles and light profiles generated using our model, hopefully demonstrating that the results from the ge…
EiffL updated
5 years ago
**Submitting author:** @wmarg (Margret Westerkamp)
**Repository:** https://github.com/NIFTy-PPL/J-UBIK
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): main
**Version:** 0.2
**Editor:** Pending