| Required Info | |
I'm trying to use Realsense D435i camera on RTAB-Map standalone app.
However, it's unable to select realsense2 for source.
librealsense2 driver has been installed. I also tried to build app from th…
What cmake flags were used when building the packages available in the ppa?
I'm installing from `https://librealsense.intel.com/Debian/apt-repo bionic main` on jetson jetpack 4 / ubuntu 18
| | |
|**librealsense**|2.50.0 RELEASE|
|**Name**|Intel RealSense D435|
|**Serial Number**|135222070722|
|**Firmware Version**||
|**Advanced Mode**|YES|
It would be good to have cwipc running on a Raspberry Pi 4 or later. Earlier is pointless, see below.
This is (I think) specifically to allow using the RPi as a dedicated "camera server" with a Rea…
Hello there,
When I am running my real sense viewer in the default terminal then I am getting the below error.
![Screenshot from 2021-11-02 09-00-22](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1…
* Before opening a new issue, we wanted to provide you with some useful suggestions (Click "Preview" above for a better view):
* Consider checking out SDK [examples](https://github.com/IntelRea…
Just a cross link to https://github.com/conda-forge/libcaer-feedstock/issues/1 .
I'm using a RealSense D435, the SDK works when I'm building the examples from [here](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/tree/master/examples), but when trying to run the capture exa…
where i can get a static lib librealsense2.lib do linking with my program?