After update to Magento 2.4 and try to run `php bin/magento setup:di:compile` command extension thrown following error:
> Deprecated Functionality: Array and string offset access syntax …
### Preconditions (*)
1. Magento 2.3.1
2. Enable PayPal Express checkout
### Steps to reproduce (*)
1. Try placing an order with PayPal express checkout
2. Sometimes it throws "PayPal E…
Getting the "Required PHP extension 'Imagick' was not loaded" error after adding a new theme.
The problem goes away when deleting the theme (although obviously I'm setting up a n…
### Preconditions (*)
1. Magento 2.4.3-p1
### Steps to reproduce (*)
1. Upgrade from 2.4.3 to 2.4.3-p1
2. This was done through composer
3. Go to the checkout screen and fill out all of…
I am trying litecache but I am disconnect from admin evry time I am saving or evry few minutes since I installed the extension. It's on magento 2.1.4 and don't happend when the extension is disab…
For some reason when running multiple domains/vhosts it is conflicting and it does not pass the relevant PHP pool?
Now I have created two maps.conf as each domain will have multiple domains/stores.…
The regex for bad user agents includes this line:
`~*(larbin|LeechFTP|Lightspeedsystems|litemage_walker|Link|LinksManager.com|Lipperhey|LinkpadBot|linkwalker|lwp-trivial|ltx71) 1;`
However, this…
Is it possible to use this module with cloudways hosting, which is nginx/apache? Or do you have to have a server with litespeed?
### Preconditions
1. Magento 2.2.5 with samples data
2. French language packe (like Imaginaerum/magento2-language-fr-fr)
3. Change locale configuration to fr_FR - General > Locale Options > Locale …
### Preconditions
1. Magento 2.1 via download, Nginx, PHP7, Varnish, Redis
### Steps to reproduce
1. Deactivate caching in admnin --> active class does appear on the main menue wh…