When running `python -m jcvi.compara.synteny mcscan Bbalcxl0706.bed Bbalcxl0706.Aan1.lifted.anchors --iter=100 -o Bbalcxl0706.Aan1.blocks.txt`, I met the error below:
[11:24:01] DEBUG Lo…
Hi all,
I installed jcvi and lastal by conda. However, an error came up when run the below command,
I already install texlivefull in root account. Why the error of "Set text.usetex=False" is still h…
latex test.tex
with `latex` being a symlink to `pdftex` in `.../envs/bin/` (as introduced by #18) and `test.tex` being
Can you please provide a manual file please?
I get this error when running the script run2.sh my data is in the .fa/.gff format, what type of format data is best to use to start the analysis.
Thank You,
Lots of very useful tools in this repository, thanks for sharing! I'm wondering if buried in here somewhere is a graphics script that would draw a synteny map for gene models instead of entire scaffo…
我在装配好环境之后尝试跑了example1并且成功,然后我就用自己的mags开始跑,但是总是遇到这个问题: Error: InPut Genome Link 1-2 Info easy.link file Format wrong,pleas check it, 然后我打开了这个file发…
Thank you for such a useful tool. I'm trying to accomplish a microsynteny view similar to this:
Can this align multiple chromosomes? something like this?
If yes, please explain how.
Could yopu please provide pointers on how to trouble shoot this
I used the latest code from pip rather than bioconda and what used to work now doesn't. I think it may be a formating issue.