I have the following COI sequence:
KTU:klustering is using a tremendous amount of memory in my machine. Even dedicating around 30 GB of swap memory and 8Gb of RAM would not be enough for around 30k input sequences (20Mb of a plain…
I have a collaborator who wants me to run eDNAFlow on their data to test it against the pipeline they always used. However, the fastqs they received from the folks that did their sequencing (a while b…
The current `Dataset` has type and subtype which is slightly problematic. `Type` is really indicating the row format used in the DwC-A and causes problems since a checklist can have occurrences, and a…
My Database did not have Kingdom data and the pipeline failed for it.
Workflow execution completed unsuccessfully!
The exit status of the task that caused the workflow execution to fail was: 1.
I'm trying to apply the pipeline described here https://benjjneb.github.io/LRASManuscript/LRASms_Zymo.html using 1.31 version of dada2. But I'm not getting the same number of filtered reads. Al…
### Overview
We are encountering some issues in obtaining appropriate estimates of error rates; I believe these problems are coming from our new(-er) sequencing facility sending us fastq files contai…
I am currently working on a COI metabarcoding project of marine samples and using the Leray COI primer for my analyses. Therefore, many examples shown here and in the paper apply to my study…
It is possible that in the metabarcoding amplification process not only the mitochondrial gene [but also nuclear copies of that gene were amplified](https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=1…
Hi @gjeunen,
I would like to extract the amplicon regions from the same database using the insilico_pcr and pga functions for a large number of primers. I tried setting up a SLURM job to do this, …