Need to clarify what some of the columns in `variants_long_table.csv` file indicate.
There's some inconsistencies sometimes, for example: `REF_DP` + `ALT_DP` doesn't add up; for indels, often `REF_D…
Hi there,
I am trying to use your program, but the usage described in your paper is not very detailed.
Can you provide an example of configuratio file? What is cfg file?
Below is my config file f…
I have used the command below to carry out a variant call with nanopore reads.
`snakemake --snakefile /home/doresegu/scratch/apps/Tools/pipeline-structural-variation-2.0.2/Snakefile -p call --c…
first of all many thanks for the work and effort to pile this workflow.
I am attending to use the pipeline however I fail to find where I can indicate where my already downloaded nt datab…
I am writing to get input from experienced ones. I got nanopore data and using q2ONT command line to process my 16srRNA gene seq data. After demuliplexing, adapters removal, and trimming the re…
Briefly comment on this issue with reasons why you are interested in this mini-project.
**Project Lead**:
+ [António Sousa](https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/projects-participants/#antonioggsousa)
+ [Hans-Rudolf Hotz](https://openlifesci.org/ols-3#hrhotz…
We support a Contribution Annotation Framework that allows us to indicate roles of conributors. However, many tutorials still use the "old" style contribution metadata (without roles)
Updating this…
[Breaking Lander-Waterman's Coverage Bound](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/06/23/060384) - assembly
[Sparc: a sparsity-based consensus algorithm for long erroneous sequencing reads.](https://w…
### Operating System
CentOS 7
### Other Linux
_No response_
### Workflow Version
### Workflow Execution
Command line (Local)
### Other workflow execution
_No response_
### EP…