I think an updated readme will help to see how different components are connected, even if the structure of the project might change. I'll volunteer to do this since it will help me get a better sense…
Dear Contributors,
Great work! I have thoroughly looked into the code and understood the following:
Step 1: First the sine wave trajectory data having (q, dq, ddq, tau) is being generated using …
您好,最近在拜读您的论文 KalmanNet: Neural Network Aided Kalman Filtering for Partially Known Dynamics, 因为本人对卡尔曼滤波和神经网络都很感兴趣,您可以给我您方便的联系方式嘛,感谢!
Can you implement Guided Policy Search Algorithm as described here (https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5444-learning-neural-network-policies-with-guided-policy-search-under-unknown-dynamics.pdf). There isn'…
![A GIF or MEME to give some spice of the internet](https://media.giphy.com/media/HzPtbOKyBoBFsK4hyc/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611uxgwd2nty2bphzkapx144myrtpfsy3xddweznfgf&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&…
Approximations allow us to include model components that don't have autodiff-friendly implementations.
- A first test case will be approximating the local coupling term in a neural field model
- A…
# User story
When trying to include some of the settings that we are using to configure the cameras in our rigs, I couldn't find the following:
- exposure parameter for Camera
- compression codec
Currently, in the dev deployment, many trials uploaded with ground reaction forces are skipping the dynamics fitting process.
A few examples subjects from the Uhlrich et al. (2022) OpenCap dataset…
Different architectures can be used to implement the latent dynamics model for a model-based agent. Implement the following models in the subdirectories of `models/dynamics_models`. All dynamics model…
Hi @takuseno,
First of all, thanks for the great work.
I've a question regarding the MOPO algorithm, specifically about the ProbabilisticEnsembleDynamics.
In the original [paper](https://arxiv.…