Thank you very much for your work and code sharing. In the Pixpro.py, I found that in "pixpro_instance_loss", 'pred_instance_1' has one more predictor layer than 'proj_instance_1_ng'. I don’t quite un…
On the page titled ["Image Painting"](https://cs.stanford.edu/people/karpathy/convnetjs/demo/image_regression.html) I wanted to suggest passing the (x, y) points through a Fourier feature ma…
Thank you for giving a fascinating tutorial in NeurIPS 2020 about equivariance, I am very interested and new in this field. After reading your paper, I have a question about the merging of the dimensi…
Hi, thank you for your code first. I got some questions when I code my few-shot learning stage:
In every ModelNet Few-shot Dataset fold, for example, 5way_10shot, there are 50 items = 5 Class * 1…
In the notebooks on the documentation here:
The author describes topics that he would like to showcase in a future Autodiff co…
I find that the score is taken as the opposite number in the code. Why is the final score calculated in this way?
The equation (9) in the paper is:
![屏幕截图 2024-07-18 143313](https://github.com/user-…
I notice there are differences between results reported in CQL paper and D4RL paper for this benchmark. Since some of the authors are common for both papers, can you please comment which of tho…
Pharmacology, methods of scientific machine learning, etc.
I came across the paper [Ultra-Low Precision 4-bit Training of Deep Neural Networks](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2020/file/13b919438259814cd5be8cb45877d577-Paper.pdf) on NeurIPS 2020. I think…
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