function f(du,u,p,t)
#du[1] = -u[1]
du.x[1][1] = -u.x[1][1] # ERROR here
u0 = ArrayPartition([1.0],[1.0])
ode = ODEProblem(f,u0,(0.0,1.0))
rate(u,p,t) = 10*u[1]
Now that direct adjoints are starting to work with Enzyme over OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, it would make sense to add this to the SciMLSensitivity.jl system.
using Enzyme, OrdinaryDiffEq, StaticA…
``` python
from casadi import *
x = SX.sym('x', 4) # state [x,y,dx,dy]
u = SX.sym('u', 2) # control [ddx,ddy]
xdot = vertcat(x[2], x[3], u[0], u[1])
ode = {'x':x, 'p':u, 'ode':xdot}
F = integrato…
As noted in this post (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47501844/julia-differentialequations-jl-speed/47507933#47507933), DiffEq aggressively specializes on each function. This causes a compilation…
### Describe the bug
Functions compiled with cython 3.0.0 cannot be used with the fortran solvers from scipy through the `ode` interface.
It seems the fortran don't detect the right number of argu…
Some docstrings are not really helpful, e.g.
julia> using GeometricIntegrators
help?> Integrator
search: Integrator Integrators IntegratorRK IntegratorERK IntegratorIPRK IntegratorFLRK In…
Does odeint support event-based integration?
Sometimes it is useful to stop not on specific finish time, but discrete event, when stop condition of the integrator is not defined by the time t…
Hi everyone!
I am trying to find the right parameters that satisfy the solved ODE system. In my problem, it is necessary that the solution r[5]. For verification, I use I use callback `return abs(rea…
As reported [here](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/changing-size-of-ode-system-resize-works-but-deleteat-doesnt/45900/4). Changing the size of the ODE system during integration with a callback throw…
@vavachan, please do the following reorganization of your code
- write the Wilkie stochastic integrator as a another function, or better, as a class.
- write the function f(x, v) which returns the RH…