I'm trying to setup an existing app that includes `phauxth` and running into a weird issue. App works fine on other machines (also MacOS)
OS: MacOS 10.13.6
Elixir: 1.4.5
Thank you for the great package.
I tried to use the phauxth.new command with --remember. Starting the server returns the following error
RuntimeError at GET /
Phauxth.Remember - you need to s…
After posting #94 , I noticed another minor inconsistency in the code `mix phauxth.new` generates.
In this case, I ran `mix phauxth.new --api --confirm`, which also generates a `Mailer` module.
Version 2 has been merged into `master` and is now alpha on hex. Please, review the changes that have been made and create issues where needed.
If the user try to reset the password clicking again on the same link that was mailed to him for resetting the password after the link was already used for successfully resetting his password, the err…
The should be probably removed in templates/user/form.html.eex
See https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix/commit/928cc6a3713bd64b949a0b102b849a93f1ce344d and https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix/issues/2530
When I tried `mix phauxth.new`, code such…
Bamboo is now at 1.0, update Phauxth's dependency to match.
I have an umbrella application with my business logic in an app named `AppExample`, and my web application in an app named `AppExampleWeb`. This means that my `user_context` is `App.Accounts`, instead…
I added a plug like this
defmodule DemoWeb.Authentication do
use Phauxth.Authenticate.Token
@impl true
def set_user(user, conn) do
IO.puts "LINE 5 #{inspect(user)}"