Hi Yu,
we used your work to extract 3D motion from 2D videos. In general, it works quite well for single-person scenarios. Nice work! However, when I tried with multiperson cases, I have two issues…
Hello and thank you very much for the nice work! This question is about the usage of the vins-mono and vins-fusion packages with my own data. I'm facing a problem that i cant use the vins-fusion pro…
Thanks again for publishing your work!
I am trying to reproduce the camera and object tracking results in Table I and Table II in the RAL paper. For camera tracking of manipulation and rotat…
I wanted to quickly comment on parts of your conclusion
> Also, one drawback of our approach is that it does not include tracking, the combination with a tracking algorithm
remains future …
Hi Wong, you mentioned that we can use YOLOR for other tasks, are these tasks like pose estimation, tracking and classification already available in this repo, if so, how do we implement these tasks?
After tests on Aeon 3 social 0.2, we found that a SLEAP ID model trained on quadrant cameras performs better than the current SLEAP ID model we are using trained on the top camera. This makes sense si…
Currently, Space Calibrator naiively adds any pose from a tracker into a sample unless it's not tracking at all or the device is turned off. This fails as sometimes, in the case of lighthouse tracked …
子豪兄,你好,我想请教一下在做 2D Video Human Pose Tracking过程中,如何得到关于视频人物姿态跟踪结果json格式文件呢,也就是每一视频帧的id,bbox和骨骼节点坐标以及score
Basically while using VINS-Mono and VINS-Fusion for pinhole mono-imu setup it throws out error message…
Thank you for your impressive work on the "Image Conductor" project. I found the methods and results presented in your paper quite compelling, especially your approach to fine-grained control over mot…