Hey photon Fusion is out can you upgrade pun 2 to Fusion please?
**Feature Description**
-vAnimatorEventReceiver and vGenericAnimation are widely used in invector templates, as it allows to implement alot of cool actions in games like special talents, skills and o…
Hello, I tried to install the arena plugin today and I'm getting an error.
Assets\ArenaRealtimeBattle\Scripts\UI\UIPunRoomPassword.cs(1,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'RealtimeArena' …
i googled this, and there are complain about this problem, so is there a way?
Hi Frozenmist Adventure,
I am andrew and my company FX Media had bought your V2 asset for not so long ago, I am the programmer there. I tried to implement this function to VR game we're recently pl…
# PUN2
### Move
- [x] ~기물들의 정상적 이동~
### Animator
- [x] White team Prefab들의 Animation에 대한 error
- [x] ~Tile Animation error~
### SetBoard
ggjae updated
3 years ago
Hello, I am working through the "Simple Getting Started Tutorial" ([https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/pun/current/simple/simple-tutorial](https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/pun/current/simple/simple-…
after installing photon transport i get this error
I have tried to rebuilt the proje…
Hi again ;)
I started debugging how PhotonCommsNetwork sends data
When client speaks does it sends data first to MasterClient, and then master client sends data to other clients? This means data…