- [x] 部署文档
- [ ] ONNX部署
- [x] MaskRCNN
- [ ] 结果的json输出
- [ ] jetson编译部署
- [ ] TensorRT
- [ ] 性能测试
- [ ] Windows删除USE_STATIC_LIB选项
- [ ] PaddleServing部署
- [ ] Triton原生与基于ONNX的对比情况
- [x] 部分代码的…
I'd like to suggest a feature that I've found in _Google Maps_ and that may came handy: the lane indication.
В openstreetmap все автомобильные дороги сделаны по умолчанию пешеходными и все карты построены с учетом этого допущения. Приложение не должно направлять пользователя по проезжей части.
В osm есть д…
老师你好,python tools/train.py -c configs/yolov3_mobilenet_v1_roadsign.yml --eval -o use_gpu=true。我在用这个命令加入自己的数据集进行模型训练时,模型要自己下载数据集,如果要用我自己的数据集,怎么设置不让他下载而直接读取现有的呢,还有就是labelme软件生成的标注格式是json格式的,而样例数据集的格式都是x…
I am trying to upload the artifacts of my [Kotlin Android library](https://github.com/Umweltzone/roadsigns) which is located in a **GitHub organization** to my **personal Bintray account**. I am using…
When writing a decimal number, it is a common usage to typeset the digits after the decimal separator differently from the digits of the integral part:
- E.g., when indicating a price, it i…
Hello everyone,
when I was performing GEH analysis of MATSim model results and real world data, there were only 5% of road profiles that fit into the 5% difference limits. Initial plans were calibr…
- [x] [配置 paddledetection 环境](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/P…
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系统: unbantu18.04 x86_64
环境: python: 3.8 paddle…
### 问题确认 Search before asking
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