Clients with names containing "/" and "-" are unable to be added to the app. In context of Singapore this is a problem as there are many people with the "/" in the name such as "Jangam s/o Vinyak" as …
Names containing `s/o` and `d/o` are common in Singapore, especially in the Indian community. `@` in names is a little more rare, but they also do exist locally. As the app stores medical information,…
Steps to reproduce
Use command ` addTutor \n Alice Pauline \p 98722342 \e alicep@example.com \a Alice street, block 123, 999888 Singapore \s math \s science` on sample data.
Able to enter l…
No where in the UG or DG did it state that ABCLI is a application made just for real-estate agents in Singapore only. Hence as a user of ABCLI in a country other than Singapore, the phone number of my…
Does not allow for special characters in names. In Singapore, 's/o' is common a prefix in people's names, but this app does not allow for '/' within names
**Steps to Reproduce:**
1. edit 11 n/Michael…
# Issue
The current error message for NRIC numbers that do not conform to Singapore's alphabetic check digit is a generic "Identification Card (IC) Number should only contain alphanumerics and adher…
Sorry but I don't find Singapore in your country codes when I do
var countries = Datamaps.prototype.worldTopo.objects.world.geometries;
for (var i = 0, j = countries.length; i < j; i++) {
Steps to reproduce:
On the sample data, use command `edit 1 \p 12345678` or `edit 1 \p 987654321`
Phone number of Alex Yeoh changed to 12345678