Thanks for your nice piece of work! However, when trying to reproduce the results you reported in your paper, I enconutered some issues.
I can successfully reproduce the results on the SUN RGBD ben…
I have install the 2.4.11 and 4.5.2 into my virtual box (Ubuntu). It's still giving me the error of not finding the 2.4.3. Would you please le me know how to solve it and where exactly should we put t…
hi,everyone i Using Ros2 Foxy inside a Jetson jeston agx orin with ubuntu 20.4 and a astro pro , for some reason launching examples
ros2 launch rtabmap_launch rtabmap.launch.py
I'm trying to use the ReconstructionSystem script to stitch together 60 images taken in my office, very similar to the [sample case provided](https://drive.google.com/file/d/11U8jEDYKvB5lXsK3L1rQcGTjp…
Is there going to be a ROS Melodic support?
I'm trying to make a HHA image for other datasets that doesn't provide improved depth images such as SUNRGB-D, only raw ones. Can I get a recommendation of inpainting codes for improving raw Depth Ima…
I wanted to inquire if LiveScan3D would work with the realsense d400 series cameras?
Moving this issue to LiveScan3D-Hololens git.
Thanks and Best Regards
Hi all,
I have no success to run rtabmap with my two webcams stereo setup camera.
here my rqt_graph
Hi people. I would like to implement stereoscopic video render with this sdk.
As i find my self rather hobbist in Unity than pro. I want to ask for any tips how to approach this problem.