In neovim I put gui font it works though
I can't configure from ginit.vim
in ginit.…
Error detected while processing VimEnter Autoco
mmands for "*"..function background#clear_backg
round[17]..30_clear_bg[12]..VimEnter Autoc
ommands for "*"..function background#clear_back
Scrolling using mousewheel causes selection in vim-startify
if empty(glob('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
Is there any way to provide support for , , :tags, etc vim navigation features or make a some wrapper for it? There is support for it in gtags-cscope-vim-plugin, but it works with cscope transparently…
I was migrating from Vim to NeoVim, and picked a color-scheme which uses 'italic' style,
and I found that the background is not transparent. I investigated this about an hour,
and the root cause sho…
The sign column is no longer transparent after update.
Even with stylix.targets.nixvim.transparentBackground.signColumn = true
My full configuration can be found at https://github.com/anotherhadi/…
### Description
When using `:CyberdreamToggleMode` or `theme.variant = "light"` the text color makes it unreadable.
I will propose to use the dark variant of colours for at least the text if `tran…
sometimes whitespace and certain text backgrounds don't properly become transparent
working correctly:
The patch below adds highlighting inside Julia documentation block.
(first time editing a vim syntax file, so not sure if it's correct)
diff --git a/syntax/julia.vim b/syntax/julia.v…
I have added following configuration to my `~/.vifm/vifmrc`:
" Add simple support for ssh remote
" :ssh user@remote:/path/to/remote/folder
filetype *.ssh FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINAT…