I've tried importing the mzIdentML file exported by PEAKS Studio 8 for use by Scaffold (both v 1.0 and 1.1 - see attached screenshot) but PeptideShaker fails to find PSM in the file. The PeptideShaker…
When using msgf2pin converter to prepare MSGFPlus output for Percolator, there will be an error if there is C-terminal modification. The mzIdentML standard says
> Modification to the C-terminu…
First of all, I'm a new a newbie using PIA and KNIME. Perhaps the problem I have is in fact entirely due to my bad understanding of either PIA or KNIME.
So, I would like to use the Protein In…
Hi @jotsetung
I am referring to this code chunk in `.applyFun2SpectraOfFileSlow` and the equivalent one in `applyFun2SpectraOfFile` and `.applyFun2SpectraOfFileMulti`
``` r
MzTab, mzQuantML and mzIdentML need to store the original file name(s) of the experiment (usually the mzML). This information should be also preserved in idXML, featureXML, consensusXML.
This issue i…
Validating for XSD conformation in file mzidLib_Rosetta2a_Ecoli_spectra_msgfplus_fdr_threshold_groups.mzid
Error at file /net/db/projects/PSI/mzIdentML/1.2/genDoc/mzidLib_Rosetta2a_Ecoli_spectra_msgf…
And this file doesn't pass my XML validator with these errors:
Error at file /net/db/projects/PSI/mzIdentML/1.2/genDoc/mzidLib_peaklist2a_plus_ecoli_versus_unimod_full_xtandem_fdr_threshold_groups.mz…
What should the approved schemaLocation be? The various example files have many different ones:
mzidLib_peaklist2a_plus_ecoli_versus_unimod_full_xtandem_fdr_threshold_groups.mzid - `xsi:schemaLocati…
current version: v2016.06.29, released June 29, 2016
available at: https://omics.pnl.gov/software/ms-gf
source code available at: https://github.com/sangtaekim/msgfplus
Error at file /net/db/projects/PSI/mzIdentML/1.2/genDoc/OpenxQuest_example_added_annotations.mzid, line 7, char 37
Message: Schema in mzIdentML1.2.0.xsd has a different target namespace from the one…