I would like to express my gratitude to the Fresns team for creating such an outstanding and practical project.
For the Farsi language, we require RTL (Right-to-Left) support. Additionally, it woul…
Please create TikTok icons and Unicode.
Thanks you!
ghost updated
2 years ago
Since `fa.traverse_(fun)` and `fa.sequence_` are semantically the same as `fa.traverse(fun).void` and `fa.sequence.void` I would propose to add aliases `traverseVoid` and `sequenceVoid` for them corre…
Hi, thanks for providing these partitions. If I run `wget https://bioinf.uni-greifswald.de/bioinf/partitioned_odb11/Viridiplantae.fa.gz` the file downloads successfully, however `gunzip` and`zcat` bot…
jgroh updated
1 month ago
Hey Richard,
me again 🙈
After working around the error that the thermostats turn unavailable, I now got an error that is similar to that. The device is also listed as unavailable but in the Inte…
Used to show the range bar icon fa-range(0%), fa-range-quarter(25%),fa-range-half(50%), fa-range-full(100%).
i would love to see the the Websocket-Icon in Fontawesome.
Hi Shujun,
Another question. I'm running panEDTA on a bunch of species. It says it's successfully reannotating the structurally annotated TEs, e.g.:
> Sat Oct 14 15:10:05 EDT 2023 EDTA final …
defaultSymbol links to https://fontawesome.io/icons/ which gives page not found error.
Also, latest MM update (Apr '22) changes fa library version, possibly causing icons to no longer load.