setTimeout is an asynchronous operation (the passed in callback gets called after the delay), so this doesn't actually delay anything: https://github.com/jpaulm/jsfbp/blob/master/script/randdelay.js#L…
Right now properties can only be set to literals (IIPs), not changed programatically by the graph. It would be desirable to be able establish connections to these ports and change them at runtime, esp…
Will allow seamless interoperation with NoFlo and other FBP runtimes
GEGL supports writing operations in C, by implementing one of 4 base operation classes. It should be possible to create these directly in the UI and have the runtime use them right away. FBP protocol …
Rather than syncing with my production db, I wanted to restore a backup I had taken with NN1.6.1 into NN2-beta3. The progress pop-up shows, but then hangs indefinitely until I cancel.
Nothing is popul…
Right now errors in the FBP protocol are ignored silently by the UI, which makes it a bit hard to figure out why things are not working as expected when implementing a new runtime.
Hello Paul,
I have just created a [package.json](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json) for this project. It includes the `fibers` dependency, so that the installation will become as simple as `g…
When starting a new project, and adding new nodes/edges, the first message I see after component loading is:
RECV: {"protocol":"graph","command":"addnode","payload": "id":"Processor_7pq2b","component"…
Yeah, it might look like un-important, but at least it is to a beginner like me.
In the noflo website, [Getting Started](http://noflojs.org/documentation/) page, libraries are all lowercased (like `c…
filesystem, gnome and others return with similar error:
Warning: failed to fetch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/noflo/noflo-crypto/master/component.json, got 404 "Not Found" Use --force to continu…