Currently `collection.indexOf` and everything about subcollections is very inefficient. Normally you don't see this problem in collections (indexOf isn't used on orders of magnitude that cause proble…
I think the subcollections should really cover serialize() and toJSON().
What is the best way to implement it? I currently copied over the serialize() and toJSON() from ampersand-collection.
Marionette is branded as a “collection of common design and implementation patterns”.
While it is a "all or nothing" download for the moment, allowing to download separate parts (including their depe…
We don't need to test the underlying lodash implementations, just that they're getting properly mapped and applied to the models in the collections, so a single call to each one in a test should be su…
In a case of having a non-NodeJS server, the AmpersandIO sets the socket to "io.connect()" without any possible opts. This will assume "/" nsp, and create the Manager under the path "/socket.io".
Dear Everyone,
JDD got in touch with me over email this morning, inquiring about the possibility of merging Underscore and Lodash together. I think it's high time to talk about the possibility again.…
I'm going to try to get a test case this weekend, but I don't know if I will be able to reproduce the environment.
My karma/jasmine unit tests pass with `ampersand-collection` 1.4.2 but time out 100%…
Situation: 2 models:
`group` which has:
props: {
id: 'any',
abbreviation: ['string', true, ''],
name: ['string', true, '']
And `object` which has a `group…