1. When setting update_index to true rg_set_user_model glitches.
It does set the model however internally something is broken or overflowed. If you attempt to get the player model through (var/pev)_m…
public plugin_init()
register_forward(FM_ShouldCollide, "ShouldCollide")
public ShouldCollide(playerindex, entindex)
client_print(0, print_chat, "Called"…
The only one who works is VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item with the command "buyequip"
public plugin_init()
RegisterHookChain(RG_ShowVGUIMenu, "fw_ShowVGUIMenu");
public fw_Show…
Line: https://github.com/s1lentq/reapi/blob/master/reapi/src/reapi_utils.h#L137
I notice this, because this gives me an error with the WEAPON_KNIFE
for (new WeaponIdType: iWeaponID = WEAPON_P…
При отправки данных set_member и получение их, меняются данные на игроке, на клиенте же HUD не меняется, так задумано?
Так же при изменение hp через set_entvar(id,var_health,iHp+1.0),то при получение…
> 1>------ Build started: Project: reapi, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1> can't locate git.exe - auto-versioning step won't be performed
1> interface.cpp
1> amxxmodule.cpp
1> api_config…
ghost updated
7 years ago
**L 23/03/2017 - 00:11:02: (map "de_rebel") SZ_GetSpace: tried to write to an uninitialized sizebuf_t: ???
L 24/03/2017 - 18:14:52: (map "de_dust2") SZ_GetSpace: tried to write to an uninitialized si…
Please can anyone update ReSemiClip for ReAPI version 5 [not latest]
The latest version I don't need as for that many other plugins aren't updated so I'm not willing for it
This function is used on most servers, it would be good if it include in reapi too.
From engine module:
I can't get the m_rgAmmo from the player on ItemPostFrame, i get all 0 with it.
Plugin to test
#define MAX_CLIP 10
public plugin_init()
for (new Wea…