Hello Taehee Lee!
I stumbled upon your repository and it sparked my interest in using Keras. I am an iOS developer and have little Machine Learning experience. After some effort and using Google Co…
C:\Users\Augusto\PycharmProjects\1stprogram\venv\Personal Programs\DBParser\Telegram>py forwardgram.py config.yml
forwardgram.py:43: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is de…
It takes very long time to load a folder containing sub folders
details: ![unspecified](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11606638/24174752/8da6d348-0e4f-11e7-9a20-d259654bb8a6.png)
Play Store release 6.22.0, also occurs with 6.22.3.
Running on a Google Pixel 4a with stock Android 11 ROM.
Original screenshot:
Not showing stickers in android demo. I am not getting stickers in android demo sample.
please check,
It's a persistent widget that uses the old token until the user forcefully refreshes their browser
It would be great to have a "Powered by Signal K" graphic, for example with the bottle logo and Signal K text, that people could use to create stickers and/or put on product brochures.
Hey there!
I'm trying to provide the best user experience possible with `GiphyGridController`. It's working pretty well!
I wonder, is there a way to show placeholders/indicators when stickers/emo…
It would be nice if we could have the option to turn on [supercube-style stickering](https://www.randelshofer.ch/rubik/virtual_cubes/professor/super_cubes/images/5x_SuperCube_Pochmann_1024.gif) for al…