I long distance skate (longboard)
I can just track everything as a run, but was curious how hard it'd be to add any/all of the available options Strava has in the app
Let me start by thanking you for creating this very useful addon!
I use it extensively for mapping hiking trails in iD based on Strava's heatmap.
Would it be possible to add another option for Osm…
There is a huge amount of map symbols and sometimes it is difficult to find the meaning of an item on the map. It would be useful to add the explanation of map symbols in the context menu of points.
Hey! @eamutaigwe @eve-chen97 @maira1220
I am Sudha Kotapalli and currently a PhD student in Interdisciplinary Oncology. My project is to understand the role of chromatin remodelling in bladder can…
### Description
Probelm with recording (drawing) the current track.
New problem since version 3.9.10 of OsmAnd and OsmMAnd +.
When we recording a new track OsmAnd do not
display the complete route…
West coast? Tahoe? Oregon?
Please post some cabin ideas.
Official package name:
License (must be an OSI approved Open Source license):
Download URL of latest release:
Every current bike profile or the hiking profile is routing me over a via_ferrata part:
I can reproduce this with
During my tests I found this 'bad way' for the `shortest` profile.
Please see sample on [BRouter-web](https://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=16/52.3586/9.7247/standard&lonlats=9.724982,52.358711;9.72037…
In the discussion for #1190, it was noted that `sac_scale` should not be added to the transportation layer, because (among other reasons) it is a tagging that is used for hiking, while OpenMapTiles is…