The issue I am having is that, no matter what I do, I can not get HAMA to assign the AniDB poster for a series as its main poster when fetching metadata - it is always placed somewhere near or at the …
Once the base flags have all been added, ideology-specific flags would make for a lot more flavor in a conversion (the base flag for a country is used if the ideology-specific one can't be found). The…
1. Dev OS (windows/Mac/Linux) Mac
2. Target OS (iOS/Android/Both) iOS
3. Simulator or real device? (Simulator/Real Device/Both) Real Deivce iPhone 6s
4. react-native V0.54.0, react-…
### I did this
curl api.weixin.qq.com(tlsv1.2) on two machines, but not the same result
### I expected the following
same result.
### curl/libcurl version
root@10-35-75-36:~# dpkg -l|grep…
你好,我将 `./pinyin-data/pinyin.txt` 文件进行去声调处理,并统计所有的音节(不带音调),发现了一些奇怪的音节,经过查询后,发现 [ế](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%99%8E#Han_character_2) 是越南汉字的训读方式,并非汉语的训读方式。当然不仅仅一个,以下是 根据 `./pinyin-data/pinyin.tx…
grep '帝王将相\|成家立业\|风云变幻\|畏首畏尾\|偏听偏信\|不破不立' phrases_dict.py
'不破不立': [['bù'], ['può'], ['bù'], ['lì']],
'偏听偏信': [['piān'], ['tīng'], ['piāng'], ['xìn']],
'帝王将相': [['dì'], ['wáng'], […
lispc updated
6 years ago
## Instruction:
1. Revisit issue #9.
2. Choose ONE (1) example of the ER Models.
3. Create all the tables using SQL commands based on the chosen model.
## Submission:
1. Give the title of t…
bo-zhang 波长??
chong-yao 重要??
di-wen 提问??
xue-jiao 学校?
yin-xing 银行?
不是我写的。来自 http://xh.5156edu.com/page/z4631m9119j18708.html 这里只是做一份存档。我的本意是吐嘈:http://yihui.name/cn/2014/02/zhong-hua-zi-jing/
qián kūn yǒu xù yǔ zhòu wú jiāng xīng chén mì bù dǒu bǐng zhǐ háng
乾 坤 有…
yihui updated
6 years ago