Step 41/43 : RUN echo "[ROBUST] attempting to build PUT..." && echo "[ROBUST] is a build failure expected? ${IS_BUILD_FAILURE}." && ./build.sh || [ "${IS_BUILD_FAILURE}" = "yes" ]
---> Runn…
### Issue details
Hi. I'm working on autonomous navigation (no gps) and I was wondering:
- in offboard mode, to get a perfect drone Pose, how can I integrate the slam_out_pose (of hector_slam,…
I followed the advances in #574 to write a sample code to send the mavlink messages to QGC. It works as intended but I tried using one of the messages with extension. I cannot seem to get the extensio…
### Issue details
Cannot get the ArduCopter to takeoff using the Python Mavros by setting the topic /mavros/setpoint_attitude/thrust with "thrust = 0.6" in the Guided_NoGPS mode.
### …
I am able to run
roslaunch local_planner local_planner_stereo.launch an plann path for UAV
but in case of
1.roslaunch global_planner global_planner_sitl_mavros.launch I have got f…
When I'am try to run the simulation, Gazebo is crashed...
Please, tel how to solve this problem?
GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH /home/gleb/catkin_ws/px4/build/posix_sitl_default/build_gazebo:
This is only bug and feature tracker, please use it
to report bugs or request features.
### Issue details
In a first test, I wanted to take off and hover - the position of the drone is …
### Issue details
With PX4/Avoidance running in SITL, the drone velocity is reported in the local co-ordinate frame (ie. rotated to the drone). We see this causing multiple issues with trying to fo…
### Issue details
setpoint_attitude is not working in the latest release.
### MAVROS version and platform
Mavros: 0.20.1-0xenial-20170828-082737-0800
ROS: Kinetic
Ubuntu: 16.04
While building the [bug](https://github.com/robust-rosin/robust/blob/master/care-o-bot/79867c8/79867c8.bug), I get the following error:
Updating local rosdistro index.yaml to use cache from th…