This app would be better if the next picture was loaded and appeared instantly or with a small sliding animation, rather than the "loading" animation between each image. Another option would be to sho…
Implement an assemble tool in [humlib](https://humlib.sapp.org) that knows about extended rhythms (and grace notes).
Related to issue https://github.com/humdrum-tools/verovio-humdrum-viewer/issues/…
the bpm function sets a rhythm to which several other "defaults" of functions should align.
In other words, the default "scale", "move", "rotate" and "wave" defaults should be somewhat aligned to th…
Digital eye strain is caused by prolonged exposure to blue light-emitting devices like desktop computer monitors, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Staring at screens for too long without periods of r…
Pasted the following link onto the input form (https://soundcloud.com/hotelgarudamusic/rhythm-of-the-night-hotel), clicked play and the audio player successfully loads the associated song info / artwo…
A strange idea came up. What if we add the ability to specify a playlist to the actions?
Starting the goal will launch the music from the linked playlist.
I think it should be interesting.
Is there any way to just render notes without a staff? I'm trying to just notate rhythms like you can do in 1Char:
restyle is working very well with all the rhythm files. Thank you for all your effort. However,
I installed the old .ckf file to my keyboard and exported it as a .ac7 file. I can not load that f…
Updated to the newest mod. Went in and spec'd a female monk. When I was done I got a male monk that's not even close. When I walk with the male monk his torso seems to bend back and forth in rhythm…
- [Moving Units - Hexes for Exes](https://open.spotify.com/album/32pmREfrLWUYtoOubag5wY) : Post-Punk revival. Jangly and downtempo a bit, but with some upbeat rhythms. This is probably my favorite rec…