https://github.com/wrl/otf-fea-rs may be relevant to this project
In the attached UFO, there is a `scedilla` glyph, which is composed by `s` and `cedillacmb` components. The accent is attached to the `s` in a way that its decomposed outline coincides with the start …
I have converted some of the CM fonts to OTF format, and was wanting to run ttx on it to see what type of work AFDKO did for subroutines generation. But the CM fonts use an encoding supplement the CM…
OpenType font has an optional table [`meta`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/meta) for metadata. With this support any font built via AFDKO will be allowed to insert this tab…
I filed this issue in the wrong repo:
Copy-pasting the original issue below.
Please follow the link above for some thoughts by @LettError.
Hello, fellas
I'm trying to install the Proton, but i'm with a problem on the final steps.
I'm following the [Built In Instructions](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Build-instructions-(…
User request from Listnr: "Please disable the automatic ligatures on fi and fl (etc.) as it takes away from the point of using a monospace font when they join together. Thanks."
Essentially there are two issues in the title, so it might be better to open separate issues for each of them. Pardon my laziness.
You can download [this test setup](https://github.com/adobe-type-t…
tamcy updated
3 years ago
A cool little `thing` I was playing with earlier today was the ability to build specific fonts from their sources.
I couldn't get it working locally or via Ansible but I was pressed for time.
currently `conditionset` blocks for specifying FeatureVariations use user-space axis coordinates in the Variable FEA spec proposal, and that's how feaLib implmented them: https://github.com/adobe-type…