Umbrella ticket for P3 Web Error
- [x] Database
- [x] Login System
- [ticket](https://github.com/kylem314/p3-web-error-project/projects/1#card-61146210)
- [x]…
Например так
case self::SHOOT_PLAYER_ONE:
case 'shootPlayer2':
$player = ( $command == self::SHOOT_PLAYER_ONE) ? Game::PLAYER_ONE : Game::PL…
Do something simple like the Battleship game or a lobby server for a game.
Then, redo it multiple times with different approaches to how one packages and exchanges data.
Now that main game page is shown to the view, user and computer should be able to play the battleship back and forth.
I have a question about [this](https://github.com/bethrobson/Head-First-JavaScript-Programming/blob/master/chapter8/battleship.js) Battleship code in Chapter 8. We have the model, view, controller ob…
3vet is currently, a horribly flawed system. I haven't started an issue about this for months just because the 'meta' is a thing, and now that i actually have an issue that requires addressing the cur…
- [x] During the Sprague cutscene when Trent and Juni just land, Trent can be seen moving his lips without saying anything. In the Beta version of FL, Trent actually said something here about the prev…
- [ ] Complete user input system (with buttons) for ship placement and attacking
- [x] Create algorithms for logic based on inputs from website
- [x] Input results into database
- assigned to Kyl…