Perhaps from https://graphics.stanford.edu/~mdfisher/DominionAI.html
Maybe try an engine AI
We aim to implement a system that leverages distillation and quantization to create a "child" neural network by combining parameters from two "parent" neural networks. The child network should inherit…
- Abstract (2-3 lines)
As with many fields, applications of machine learning and computational methods are expanding to the financial world too. Modelling financial markets is a challenging area desp…
Gradually thinking some renaming of functions, files, classes will help make the material more accessible. For example:
Variables and functions:
- [ ] `height` -> `individual_size` (#223)
- [x]…
# Abstract
Implement a framework in qiskit that can be used to create and run basic quantum game theory models. The proposed route is to first implement a simple circuit for the quantum prisoner's di…
This issue captures our rationale/implementation for the reproducing aspect of the general agent.
- General agent can now spawn children, with a separate prompt and potentially balance
Hello, I’m currently a bit stuck with trying to use jGenprog to fix a bug from defects4j.
I have installed astor and successfully run the jGenprog example code from getting started. (With the follo…
Hello I'm gonna review the second lab and explain what I have appreciated and what I think you could have done differently.
- First of all I think you did a great job by exploring different strateg…
We should post papers to read here
These two papers talk about the role of Lypd4, Pdilt, and several additional proteins having a role in maturation of Adam3, a sperm cell surface protein that is essential for "**migration of sperm fro…