We had a strange genome that had a bunch of `Not found` variants and when parsing the output from Haplogrep, the column in the line seems wrong as the listed variants have no separation among th…
- MacOS requires a different jbwa library.
- Check OS and then load correct library.
Hi, I got the following error. Please help me. best regards, John Goh
Welcome to HaploGrep v2.1.18
(c) Division of Genetic Epidemiology, Medical University of Innsbruck
Hansi Weissensteiner, Luka…
I am getting an error with version 2.1.13 when using the `--lineage` option, on a file that runs fine when the option is not used
java -jar ../bin/haplogrep-2.1.13.jar --in test.hsd …
When using a FastA file as input, haplogrep throws an exception when a valid FastA file is provided as input but it has a file extension different from `fasta`, e.g. `fas`
It is due to a htsjdk fun…
Whenever I try to run the command line utility with FASTA input I get this output:
Welcome to HaploGrep v2.1.15
(c) Division of Genetic Epidemiology, Medical University of Innsbruck
Hansi Weissen…
Hi All,
Thanks for updating awesome software !!
I was running haplogrep with below command,
java -jar haplogrep-cmd/haplogrep-2.1.13.jar --in /gpfs/QGP_MT_merge_final.vcf.gz --format vcf --p…
We know that web Haplogrep can annotate genomes in a FASTA file. Is it possible to do the same on the command line version?
With haplogrep:
* the command line version does not support fasta file upload, just hsd/vcf
Convert to hsd:
* mt DNA Server just accepts FastQ or BAM/SAM files
--> How to calculate Haplog…