The claim is "It's like JSON. but fast and small." However there are no numbers behind that, and in some cases this statement may not be true.
I did a quick test with a bigger [GeoJSON file](https://…
The discussion of `` says:
> The principal place in which the superstructure’s subject occurred, represented as a [List](https://gedcom.io/specifications/FamilySearchGEDCOMv7.html#list) of jurisdic…
I live in Moscow, Idaho, but creating the URL for that location only returns Moscow Russia.
I noticed the openweather api has a query for Zipcode, and this would be much more effective!
While Butte - California is being scraped from the data, Butte - Idaho and Butte - South Dakota do not appear in the places data. I think you are only grabbing the first instance of a place.
Need to look at all the data and see if we can combine a few into a comprehensive dataset. Idaho may be the most difficult since there is so little data.
@gsautter can you please run these files in your system as batch? They don't work here run this
java -jar -Xmx10240m GgImagineBatch.jar "DATA=E:\diglib\zootaxa\temp" CACHE=./BatchCache FM=U