@ttskch great plugin idea! unfortunately i can't get it to work with @fsouza/prettierd. any idea why?
```Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package '@ttskch/prettier-plugin-tailwindcss-anyw…
This issue is meant for discussing and specifying plugin ideas for Drago. As of now, we are working with the following possibilities:
- Leasing plugin: plugin capable of automatically assigning IP …
An idea for a plugin you guys could have an estimated price set up for a horse when you want to sell them for people who don't know how to find a orice realisticly.
## overwrite protection
on save of anything detect if file to save is newer, prevents dual updates and multiple open windows issues, applies to pages, components, snippets, settings etc. warn this fi…
I want to write a package to dedupe CSS; all of it. Problem is: we can't access the whole bundle because we stream it out. Should we perhaps introduce a plugin system of the sorts and have a labeled p…
When #20 is completed, we will be much more open to developing new plugins. Here are some of my ideas:
- Deploy to Confluence
- Deploy to S3
- Deploy to GitHub Pages
Now of course there are ot…
IntelliJ supports the creation of a command-line utility, idea (by default in /usr/local/bin/idea).
It relies on JAVA_HOME.
A plugin would be nice :)
This is a list of possible ideas for official plugins:
# Builtin Plugins
- `ion-plug [search | update | install | remove ] PLUGINS...`: A plugin for managing Ion plugins.
- `ion-scripts [publis…
Hi, came across your repo through a google search for hexchat plugins to deal with the horrible display that a relay bot creates.
Dang well thanks for LMK
So here, the m-relay appear…