## Exocat
Dataset link: http://exocat.creaf.cat
Region: Catalunya
Taxon: Invasive species
Type: checklist
Why is this important: Invasive species checklist (and associated occurrences) from one o…
A somewhat frequent request to the Norwegian node is to filter and download species occurrence data for all taxa in a taxon checklist dataset.
Researchers and students working with crop wild relati…
**Describe the bug**
Locations in Seek are occasionally reported as being inconsistent. We can tell there's an issue when a user observes species in two different countries on the same day, such as t…
Here is a first one - for the proposed basic schema (soon also on the wiki):
- [x] Hide chunks: load dependencies, read parquet and subset columns we want using `eval=FALSE`
Taxonomic errors:
- [x] Remove counting of taxonRank
- [x] Remove names(arachnids)
rename dataset to: Monitoring of invasive alien **plant** species by the Province East Flanders, Belgium
I think that this title would cover the content of the dataset better as there are no animal…
An example for [publications about invasive species](https://tools.wmflabs.org/tabernacle/#/tab/sparql/SELECT%20%3Fitem%20%3FitemLabel%0A%20%20%20WHERE%20%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%7B%3Fitem%20wdt…
E.g.: search for occurrences where taxon is in 'checklist of invasive species in country X'
**Invasive Nicotiana glauca is not found in central Saudi Arabia only in the southwestern part of the country.**
Invasive Nicotiana glauca is not found in central Saudi Arabia only in the southwester…
This is rather counter intuitive. For example, in this download: https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/download/0233791-200613084148143, the user wanted to exclude invasive species:
"type": "…