Currently https://galaxy-iuc-standards.readthedocs.io/en/latest/best_practices/shed_yml.html does not specify a recommend order for the `.shed.yml` entries, but we have a convention in the order used …
Hey there Bioimage zookeepers!
We would like to explore the possibility into making [the Galaxy project](https://galaxyproject.org/) an official community partner at the BioImage Model Zoo. This pr…
When trying MaAsLin 2 I found some issues, that make the wrapper basically unusable.
(a) The fixed_effects can be different for every dataset, they are however hard-coded to only allow a choice of t…
I provided a `paired` collection to bbduk which failed with the following error:
java -ea -Xmx30303m -Xms30303m -cp /srv/galaxy/var/dependencies/_conda/envs/mulled-v1-ace992d4e0298…
`seahorn` options:
sea pf -O2 -g --step=large --track=mem --horn-inter-proc-mem \
--horn-global-constraints=true --horn-stats --enable-nondet-init --strip-extern \
need to test whether this entry in tpv/tools.yml will work for all mothur tools including ones with specific entries. This will protect user data from large files created in error.
Should the kmer length of bracken always have the same length of the used kraken2 DB ?
When does it make sense to use a different length?
We would like to provide the user of bracken in Galaxy wit…
The site symmetry group labels are abbreviated in the 3D listings returned by `bandreps` (because they are abbreviated in Bilbao's BANDREP program). As an example, in e.g. space group 163, we have sit…
thchr updated
2 months ago
[Rptools](https://github.com/brsynth/rptools) is toolsuite which includes multiple tools; multiple PRs have been opened in order to include them as independent ones, but I think should be integrated i…
IUC has quite some tools using datatypes that are not known to Galaxy:
for i in $(grep 'format="' . --include "*xml" -r | sed "s/'/\"/g" | sed 's/.*format="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' | sed 's/,/\n/g' |…