Bürgerstiftung Köln
Bürgerstiftung Köln does not have a wikidata page.
Some have been installed in collaboration with Stadt Köln (Q365) which could be used as…
https://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/csldev/csldoc/build/dictionaries/prefaces/mw72pref/mw72pref18.html and https://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/csldev/csldoc/build/dictionaries/…
I was doing some reading about colorblind-friendly color schemes and saw that Makie has a group called "Wong colors" https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Makie.jl/blob/ef544356409565801e8f37b7118a0146d…
Hallo zusammen,
bei der Grundschule Spörkelhof in Köln-Merkenich ist eine falsche Website angegeben. Die korrekte Website lautet: http://spoerkelhof-koeln.de/
Kann das jemand korrigieren?
Viele Grü…
## $dictinfowhich
The [dictinfowhich.php](https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/csl-websanlexicon/blob/master/v00/makotemplates/webtc/dictinfowhich.php) module defines a PHP variable *$dictinfowhich*…
In GitLab by @ranocha on Jun 11, 2020, 09:12
See dg_containers.jl.
Xref https://gitlab.mi.uni-koeln.de/numsim/code/Trixi.jl/-/merge_requests/59#note_1540
I've got reviews and scans of articles about particular dictionaries. Like http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/GRAScan/2014/web/index.php could have B L A M D R instead of B L …
`aparavat` is seen and can be scrolled, but not `apara` @funderburkjim
funktioniert nicht
Whenever I filter the node `KRYPTO.KOELN` I crash:
lnvis: deps/nanovg/stb_truetype.h:1700: stbtt__new_active: Assertion `z != ((void *)0)' failed.
Very strange...