ppixiv tries to preload images of multipage posts, which is not a bad idea given how horribly slow pixiv servers can be, but on the other hand it doesn't seem to work on posts with a lot of huge image…
An incomplete list of problems:
* Clicking on the titlebar causes the window to disappear.
* Clicking on a dropdown list doesn't do anything.
At the start of the game, in the main menu with the buttons new game, load a game I cannot click on the buttons.
anytime the shoe is removed or outfit is changed in insert mode, the body of the girl will break and spiral out of control
# 为anime角色训练LoRA模型 | BoHolder的网站:博客,小玩意及其他
[Error : Unity Log] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Timeline.Timeline.Seek'.
Anyway to resolve this?
Adjustments to character works fine during character creation and regular dialogue,
but not loaded during x-scene.
I'm not even sure what happened. I am using Blender 3.1. It was working fine up till the "Convert and Apply colors to Shaders" part.
After that thinking something went wrong change to a different ver…