I have a couple of cram files from WGS and they were aligned using GRCh38. I converted cram files to paired fastq files, then using MToolBox to call mtSNV, the mapExome.py generated almost empty files…
related to #88
so if I understand corectly the algorithm is the following
if not java => success # and let script die later instead of stopping it rigth now
Output from #33 also exported as HTMLwidget.
* HmtNote version:
* Python version:3.6
* Operating System: Linux
### Description
I am using a vcf file to annotate. However, when I see the output csv file , it is not parsed propoerly.
### …
I was wondering what kind of output difference should I see if I use a bam vs fastq as input. I tried using bam and fastq for the same sample and I see more annonation files for the bam output as comp…
We have a partner whos smtp server is slow.
I checked with mtoolbox.com website, and the smtp transaction time is: 8.173 seconds
The log contains the following:
I would like to know if MToolBox can use hg19.fa from ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/chromosomes
our cluster host hg19.fa genome obtained by concatenating all chr#.fa.gz…
My data may come from mtDNA sequencing after multi-PCR, which means its not drived from WES or WGS. I want to know how can I analyse such data by using MToolBox.
When running sample data provided in test folder getting error 'No annotation.csv found'
Error log is as follows:
setting up MToolBox environment variables...
setting up MToolBox va…
With the newest version v1.2, some (but not all) multi-allelic sites in sample.vcf have have 'None' as the genotype as below:
chrMT 310 . T TC,C . PASS AC=1,1;…