## Which Dataset
The za_province_pop
## Error Description
The Gauteng and NorthWest populations do not correspond to the National Statistics PDF document
## Suggested fixes
# Working with National Sample Survey (NSS) data in Stata | Emmanuel Teitelbaum
In recent years, India’s Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MOSPI) has been releasing micro-data for so…
As an advocacy organization that cares about the representativeness of elected officials (i.e. race) as compared to their populations, I want to view statistics about racial underrepresentation in cou…
NSPL stands for National Statistics Postcode Lookup. It is a table mapping postcodes to other official geographies such as countries, local authorities etc. It is available from the Office for Nationa…
Mid-2019 Population Estimates Scotland (https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/population/population-estimates/mid-year-population-estimates/mid-2019) (***WIL…
Bio: Hillary (she/her) is Community Manager, [Common Voice Project](https://commonvoice.mozilla.org/en) at Mozilla Foundation. Previously, Hillary was Data Science Community and Engagement Manager, Of…
I am working on automating the processing of official statistics in a range of applications and workflows using Statistics Canada's sources. The Canadian Agency is providing its tables from…
Strippenkaart dec 2023: 87 of 100 spent, 13 remaining
Strippenkaart nov 2024: 0 of 20 spent, 20 remaining
NKBV Series:
Strippenkaart nov 2024: 0 of 59 spent, 59 remaining
Postcodes have moved, need to update code.
See http://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets?q=National+Statistics+Postcode+Lookup+February+2017&sort_by=name&sort_order=asc