I installed gruvbox using vim-plug but it's not working as I'd expect. It's installed in `~/.vim/pugged/` and `.vimrc`has this content...
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" Color-schemes
How can I hide the separating line?
![Screenshot from 2023-04-23 00-32-13](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34966791/233810458-3f3322e8-ca4b-43f6-b911-851330b79fe4.png)
I think we should add support for accessing theme's colors programmatically.
For instance let's take as an example the popular [OneDark Pro](https://github.com/Binaryify/OneDark-Pro/blob/master/th…
It'd be great to see the [nvim-treesitter](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter) groups covered by onedark. I see that they are all listed here: https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-t…
A lot of problems have arisen when I use vim to open file.
1. Top row be left over,like this
onedark.nvim does not provide any theme for vim-airline. Switching to this theme makes airline stick to the default themes and it looks ugly.
For a link that looks like this: `[foo](http://www.example.com)` when doing `gx` with the cursor on `foo`, Neovim prints the following and freezes:
`:call 27_OpenUrlUnderCursor()`
This is what t…
I see that we can override colors in the config via:
colors = {hint = "orange", error = "#ff0000"}
Is there something similar for changing things l…
Hello. This is my configuration:
require('onedark').setup {
colors = {
qtt_yellow = '#E5C07B',
qtt_gray = '#ABB2BF',
highlights = {
I'm using transparency with my terminal emulator. Using one sets a solid, opaque background. How do I change that?