# 使用华为 MA5671A 代替我的 HN8145V 光猫 | Kirin's Backspace
PCCW HK. original ONU is HG8040/HG8045
# omcicli mib get 84
Test.html-də html daxilində style yazmısan onu yazmamalısan çünki o css-ə aiddir onu silərsən qalanları yaxşıdır. Yazdıqlarının mənasını başa düşürsənsə lap gözəl
PON stick: FS XGS-ONU-25-20NI with rewrited 10G EPON firmware.
This problem occurs after accidental broke and repair of the PON fiber.
The cold connector broke while I'm moving my rack and streche…
tr451_polt_simulator not able to inject OMCI test messages to ONU simulator, its getting failed with below error,
**tr451_polt_simulator (vomci) Logs :**
Projeto escolar realizado por estuidantes de terceira série do Ensino Médio, no qual a proposta é o aprimoramento de um jogo da forca cujo código é de autoria do desenvolvedor Nicélio José Gesser. O o…
Hi, there! The following libraries can also be added to the data 🙌
- [ ] https://github.com/chakra-ui/zag -- https://zagjs.com/
- [ ] https://github.com/chakra-ui/ark -- https://ark-ui.com/
- [ ]…
tr451_polt_simulator not able to inject OMCI test messages to ONU simulator, its getting failed with below error,
tr451_polt_simulator (vomci) Logs :
Some Huawei OLTs lock third-party ONUs, the OLT will verify the Vendor ID from OMCI 256.
If the Vendor ID from ONU is not HWTC, the OLT will refuse to register ONU.
So some ISP's ONU will fake the…