### What:
**Removal based on feature matching** involves detecting and analyzing key features in images to identify and eliminate duplicates or overlapping images. This technique uses feature detec…
Figure out what techniques are being used to choose the initial plane that is drawn
Hi! Thanks for sharing your great work.
I've successfully implemented the example bag. I'm wondering is `hdl_localization` able to do **global localization** (i.e. without specify the initial pose)…
Hi, I've seen the paper and it's a great work. I have one question about the robustness of the method——How robust is this method when facing scenes with outlier points, such as 3D-2D correspondence in…
The current loss functions disregard weights.
See #14325
The current base class Registration seems to use an ICP algorithm by default. The algorithm is roughly divided into correspondence estimation and transformation estimation. Some rough alignment algori…
We are creating a debian package for pcl and we have found that there are a lot of application without a man page. We are referring to:
The worker in the `/worker` directory is currently not working.
- [x] Fix docker images, for now use original gaussian splatting code, which is slower than the cuda variant but should build more s…
Why does PDC-net perform reasonably well in pck but much worse in two-view geometry estimation?
pdc-net pck:
##### System information (version)
- OpenCV = 3.2
- Operating System / Platform => Linux 64 bit
- Compiler = GCC
##### Detailed description
I found out that with certain input interest po…