I'm trying to use this code to interface with my lidar but am having trouble using the commands. Can anyone provide sample code that would give basic interface with the device?
Hello, I am trying to run simple grabber and I am getting this following output error:
*** bit out of range 0 - FD_SETSIZE on fd_set ***: terminated
Aborted (core dumped)
What is this error and…
Here is what happens when I run Make,
After this, I add the include directory in my source code, and the sdk runs into a hal/types.h error - stating this is not being linked during the linkage of the…
Hi, i am doing an project like you project but i have used RPlidar A1 instead KINECT. So i want to ask you how to create launch file to use with RPlidar A1( i use motor with encoder and arduino + pi3…
Hi, there,
I'm using S2 model based on RPLIDAR ROS package with ROS melodic and Ubuntu 18.04.
One unit works fine but multiple units throw an error:
[ERROR] [1692239374.076535278]: Error, cannot re…
I have a problem about pwm of rplidar.
I called lidar.set_pwm(250) and the rplidar exactly slow down.
But the motor **speed up** after I called lidar.iter_scan() to get data.
Could I acquire data w…
when i try to make a command : roslaunch flightros rotors_gazebo.launch
i get this proble: RLException: [view_rplidar.launch] is neither a launch file in package [rplidar_ros] nor is [rplidar_ro…
Hello, why does the RPLIDAR S1 not work? the protocol is the same?
PyRPlidar Info : device is connected
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lara.py", line 31, in
I am running this command after installing everything:
`ros2 launch rplidar_ros view_rplidar_a1_launch.py`
but this is my output.
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/…
This is how it might look like
| State transition | [triggering condition]
| -----------------------------------------------|----------…