an improvement to `sf` revealed a coding error in opensensmapR, and breaks the vignette building. If you run `osem-intro.Rmd` up to line 147, and then do
> st_as_sf(pm25) |> names()
# [1] NA …
edzer updated
11 months ago
### Expected Behavior
I can change properties of my box in the dashboard
### Actual Behavior
The API responds to `PUT /boxes/:id` with "422 Unprocessable Entity":
"message": "Validation fai…
noerw updated
4 years ago
#### Android
Ionic / Cordova (& plugins) technically support everything starting from 4.4 (API version 19).
However as of v1.0.1:
- blockly does not load in
noerw updated
5 years ago
plugin https://github.com/noerw/gitbook-plugin-sectionx allows to hide parts of the chapter
noerw updated
7 years ago
### Expected Behavior
Translations expected to show up on Language dropdown. Even there is `nosniff` policy active it is expected to be able to choose desired language.
### Actual Behavior
**Describe the bug**
- Arduino give users the option to choose from 5 unique timers, which are independent from one another. The resetTimer block allows the user to accomplish this, by giving a drop…
noerw updated
7 years ago
- Einfache Grundlagen, wo stecke ich das USB-Kabel rein, wie stecke ich Sensoren auf, wie stecke ich Bees auf (mit Bilder), was macht der Reset Knopf, warum gibt es verschiedene Buchsen und was sonst …
### Daten
OpenSenseMap, siehe https://github.com/Klima-Dashboard/data-tools/wiki/Datenquellen#opensensemap-httpsopensensemaporg
Box-IDs der relevanten Boxen:
- https://opensensemap.org…
This is about the **interpolation** feature.
### Expected Behavior
When typing in the phenomena box I'd expect the website to tell me, which phenomena are available instead of being forced to gues…