### 🔖 Feature description
Valkey is an open source drop-in replacement for Redis (which Backstage already supports via `keyv`). Keyv has now added a [dedicated package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/…
# Problem Statement #
Valkey offers several options for users seeking to ensure data durability, but each has notable limitations.
A commonly used approach is the `WAIT` command, which ensures t…
Hi, I have the following program using boost redis library with valkey,
I would like to request a review of the ValkeyJSON module for inclusion in the valkey-io organization. This module has been implemented based on the specifications detailed in the accepted RFC documen…
I think we should clean it up though. Also, shall we update `CLIENT LIST` output to reflect the import source mode?
_Originally posted by @hpatro in https://github.com/valkey-io/valke…
It seems to be there is a permission issue when trying to use a socket for valkey server container:
$ docker run -it --rm valkey/valkey valkey-server --unixsocket /run/valkey.sock
1:C 07…
As you all probably know, Redis has changed its license, giving major corporations and contributors all the incentive to make a move to Linux Foundation's new project Valkey. So far the [migration](ht…
since redis changed their licence type we are thinking about a move to the valkey fork. The argocd community is also discussing it, see: https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/issues/17970
**The problem/use-case that the feature addresses**
We currently do not have unified workflow to perform release, post-release activities for Valkey release.
**Description of the feature**
Title: Is there any discussion around whether the Envoy Redis filter plans to remain (in the future) compatible with Redis or the Open source "equivalent" ValKey project?
Is there any…