This command takes ages for a HiSeq/XTen run, and it only uses one core, so I think that we could detach it and continue to tarball the next run. So basically at a given point we would have just one r…
I just cloned the repository and typed `ant jar` as suggested in the README. It didn't build. Here is the error message:
lucass@milou2 share $ git clone https://github.com/rdpstaff/classifie…
Uppmax har lagt in en ny version GNU plot (4.6.5) som Sisyphus inte verkar vara kompatibel med.
Smeds updated
10 years ago
Testing Piper, alignments run ok but qualimap fails with the error shown below
/proj/a2009002/piper_resources/programs/qualimap_v1.0/qualimap --java-mem-size=64G bamqc -bam /apus/v1/a2010002_n…
vezzi updated
10 years ago
When running:
WholeGenome.sh --xml_input pipelineSetup.xml
or, using the NGI_pipeline:
piper -S /proj/a2010002/software/piper_bin/qscripts/DNABestPracticeVariantCalling.scala --xml_i…
vezzi updated
10 years ago
Alright I'm trying to use sthlm2UUSNP on the flowcellrun level, e.g. the format `sthlm2UUSNP -i {input_dir} -o {output_dir} -f {flowcell}` and it's failing. At first I thought this was a FileAlreadyEx…
Not sure this is a bug, but using the http protocol http://charon-dev.scilifelab.se will redirect to the correct Charon interface.
![screen shot 2014-06-25 at 09 45 14](https://cloud.githubuserc…
This issue is linked to #3 and #2 but it adds also a new problem
This are the steps I followed to run piper:
##convert to SNPseq format —> this is not properly working refer to issue #3
vezzi updated
10 years ago
It would be good if the pipeline setup xml format was more flexible in the sense that it's one could specify the exact location of the fastq-files. Probably the files should contain the full project, …
I am trying to use sthlm2UUSNP to convert a NGI-S project into a NGI-U project as a first step to test piper.
This is the folder organisation of the project G.Grigelioniene_14_01 (P_name, Sample name,…
vezzi updated
10 years ago